Chrysotoxum female gathering nectar of a nothern globe-thistle in a meadow. Diois, France.
Chrysotoxum female gathering nectar of a nothern globe-thistle in a meadow. Diois, France.
A hoverfly (Scaeva selenitica) female gathering nectar of a common chicory flower in marl. Diois, France.
A hoverfly (Scaeva selenitica) female gathering nectar of a St John's wort flower in marl. Diois, Drome, France.
.Two horseflies females gathering nectar of an umbelliferous in a meadow. Pyrénées Orientales, France.
.An horsefly female gathering nectar of an umbelliferous in a meadow. Pyrénées Orientales, France.
Trichopoda pennipes gathering nectar of a wild parsnip in bloom. Pyrénées Orientales, France.
Trichopoda pennipes is a Tachinid Fly whose larvae parasitize of Southern green shield bugs (Nezara viridula) and other bugs of the same family. This Tachinid fly native to South and North America was introduced to Europe through organic farming to regulate the numbers of the Southern green shield bugs, an invasive species from Africa who really like greenhouses and vegetables (tomatoes, squash , soy... ).
Silvery bee-fly gathering nectar of mint flowers in a wet meadow. Pyrénées Orientales, France. Larvae in the genus Exoprosopa are parasites of underground bee, wasp, and beetle larvae. Adults are pollinators.
Silvery bee-fly gathering nectar of mint flowers in a wet meadow. Pyrénées Orientales, France. Larvae in the genus Exoprosopa are parasites of underground bee, wasp, and beetle larvae. Adults are pollinators.
A Tachinid Fly ready to fly from his perch, a faded salad burnet, on a sunny hillside. Lot, France.
A Thick-headed fly resting on a wood scabious flower in a wet meadow. Their larvae are endoparasites of Hymenoptera aculeata. The adults are nectar feeders, regularly visiting flowers.
Thick-headed Fly resting on a Wood Scabious in a wet meadow.
Their larvae are endoparasites of bumble bees of the genus Bombus. The adults are nectar feeders, regularly visiting flowers.
Thick-headed Fly resting on a common bracken in a wet meadow. Their larvae are endoparasites of bumble bees of the genus Bombus. The adults are nectar feeders, regularly visiting flowers.
Thick-headed Fly resting on a Wood Scabious in a wet meadow. Their larvae are endoparasites of bumble bees of the genus Bombus. The adults are nectar feeders, regularly visiting flowers.
Clitellaria ephippium male apparently tasting fallen pollen from neighboring trees on a fern-eagle leaf on the edge of a damp forest. This fly of the family Soldier flies (Stratiomyidae) is quite rare and its behaviors poorly known. The larvae grow for 4 years and live in black ant (Lasius fuliginosus) nest, but I have not been able to determine whether they are plant and animal waste cleaners (like the larvae of other members of This family) or if they are predators and I have not found any information on the diet of adults.
A female hoverfly resting on a tomato plant in my garden. A species that is particularly welcome because adults are pollinators and larvae are aphidophagous and therefore eat aphids.
A female hoverfly resting on a tomato plant in my garden. A species that is particularly welcome because adults are pollinators and larvae are aphidophagous and therefore eat aphids.
Footballer Hoverfly female resting on a buttercup leaf in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
Footballer Hoverfly female resting on a buttercup leaf in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
Footballer Hoverfly female resting on a buttercup leaf in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
A tiny male hoverfly gathering nectar of a tiny chickweed flower in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
A Long Hoverfly male cleans his legs on a leaf in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
A little ray of sunshine and the first hoverflies appear, here a Marmalade Hoverfly female. Limousin, France.
Volucella inanis, a large hoverfly female, gathering nectar of Hemp-agrimony flowers. in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
Xanthogramma pedissequum male resting on a blade of grass in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
Xanthogramma pedissequum male resting on a blade of grass in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
Band-eyed brown horsefly male resting on a nettle leaf in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
A female robberfly resting on a rock at the summit of an residual hill. Limousin, France.
Hornet Mimic Hoverfly female gathering nectar of zinnia flower in my garden. Limousin, France.
Hornet Mimic Hoverfly female gathering nectar of zinnia flower in my garden. Limousin, France.
Hornet Mimic Hoverfly female gathering nectar of zinnia flower in my garden. Limousin, France.
Volucelle vide femelle butinant de la menthe à feuilles rondes dans une prairie humide. Limousin, France...A large hoverfly female, gathering nectar of apple mint flowers in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
A large hoverfly male gathering nectar of apple mint flowers. Limousin, France.
A large hoverfly female gathering nectar of apple mint flowers. Limousin, France.
A large hoverfly female gathering nectar of apple mint flowers. Limousin, France.