Beautiful Hook-tip resting on a leag along a forest path. The caterpillar feeds tree lichens. Drôme, France.
Jordanita sp. male resting on a Blue Aphyllanthes flower. This little moth is a zyganidae moth and Procrinidae subfamily. This subfamily is composed of closely related species indistinguishable from a photograph.
Chrysotoxum cautum female gathering nectar of a Blue Aphyllanthes flower. Diois, France.
Chrysotoxum cautum female gathering nectar of a Blue Aphyllanthes flower. Diois, France.
A hoverfly (Scaeva selenitica) male resting on a conifer branch in marl. Diois, Drome, France.
A hoverfly (Scaeva selenitica) male resting on a conifer branch in marl. Diois, Drome, France.
The Owly Sulphur as its name suggests is usually yellow. Few individuals, as this male, can be white, which somewhat complicates their identification, because then they can be confused with a closely related species, a white Owlfly (Libelloides lacteus). Vercors, France.
Pearl-bordered Fritillary resting, its wings outstretched, atop a shrub branch along a forest path.
Pearl-bordered Fritillary resting, its wings outstretched, atop a shrub branch along a forest path.
Pearl-bordered Fritillary resting, its wings outstretched, atop a shrub branch along a forest path.
A Green Hairstreak female, abdomen raised, prepares to lay an egg on a Bird's-foot Trefoil, host plant of the caterpillar.
Swallowtail sitting on a spruce just after metamorphosis. We can also see the remains of the chrysalis of his neck. Vercors, France.
Oak Eggar Caterpillar strolling through the undergrowth at the edge a logging road. Vercors, France.
Common blue male enjoying the last rays of sunlight of a late afternoon in a calcareous meadow.