Female of Polyommatus bellargus, coridon ou hispana taking a sunbath on a leaf. Diois, France.
Reverdin's Blue resting on a Cushion Calamint in bloom in a dry calcareous meadow. Diois, France.
Adonis Blue male resting on a Globe-thistle in bloom in a meadow. Diois, France.
A trio of Chalkill Blue butterflies gathering nectar of a Greater knapweed flower in a dry limestone meadow. Drôme, France.
A duo of Bleu-nacré gathering nectar of a Greater knapweed flower in a dry limestone meadow. Drôme, France.
Adonis Blue male gathering nectar of a carline thistle flower in black marl of Diois. Drôme, France.
Adonis Blue male gathering nectar of a carline thistle flower in black marl of Diois. Drôme, France.
Bleu-nacré mâle posé dans la végétation sèche des terres noires du Diois. Drôme, France...Chalkhill Blue male resting in dry vegetation of black marls of Diois. Drôme, France.
Adonis Blue male resting on lady's bedstraw in black marl of Diois. Drôme, France.
Female of Polyommatus bellargus, coridon ou hispana resting on a knapweed in a meadow. Vercors, France.
Female of Polyommatus bellargus, coridon ou hispana gathering nectar of a field eryngo in bllom in a meadow. Vercors, France.
Female of Polyommatus bellargus, coridon ou hispana resting on a field eryngo in a meadow. Vercors, France.
Chalkhill Blue male gathering nectar of a Southern Globe-thistle in bloom. Vercors, France.
A female of Polyommatus bellargus, coridon ou hispana resting on a faded Asteraceae. Vercors, France.
Difficult to determine whether this is a male Chalkhill Blue or Provence Chalkhill Blue in late summer. This specimen has no cellular point in the forewing, which does not prevent him to enjoy the nectar of eyebright where it is installed.
Difficult to determine whether this is a male Chalkhill Blue or Provence Chalkhill Blue in late summer. This specimen has no cellular point in the forewing, which does not prevent him to enjoy the nectar of eyebright where it is installed.
Common blue female resting on a faded viper's bugloss. Pyrenees Orientales, France.
Common blue female resting on a faded viper's bugloss. Pyrenees Orientales, France.
Common blue female resting on a faded viper's bugloss. Pyrenees Orientales, France.
Adonis Blue male gathering resting on gramineous plant. Calcareous hill near Villefranche de Rouergue in Aveyron.
Adonis Blue male gathering nectar of Oregano flowers. Calcareous hill near Villefranche de Rouergue in Aveyron.
Adonis Blue male gathering nectar of Oregano flowers. Calcareous hill near Villefranche de Rouergue in Aveyron.
Chalkhill Blue male resting on a graminaceous plant. Calcareous hill near Villefranche de Rouergue in Aveyron..
Chalkhill Blue male resting on a graminaceous plant. Calcareous hill near Villefranche de Rouergue in Aveyron.
Adonis Blue female resting on a salad burnet on a dry calcareous hill. Lot, France.
Adonis Blue female resting on a salad burnet on a dry calcareous hill. Lot, France.
A Common blue male not so common because it lacks an eye spot in the forewing cell. This ocelle is used to differentiate several Blue species, it can be difficult not to confuse this form with other species.
A Common blue male not so common because it lacks an eye spot in the forewing cell. This ocelle is used to differentiate several Blue species, it can be difficult not to confuse this form with other species.
A Common blue male not so common because it lacks an eye spot in the forewing cell. This ocelle is used to differentiate several Blue species, it can be difficult not to confuse this form with other species.
Brown Argus gathering nectar of Cut-leaved Crane's-bill flowers in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.