Provence Chalk-hill Blue mating on a Spanish broom flower in a wasteland bordering the Drôme. The male, above, is an aberration. Diois, France.
Provence Chalk-hill Blue mating on a Spanish broom flower in a wasteland bordering the Drôme. The male, above, is an aberration. Diois, France.
Provence Chalk-hill Blue mating on a grass in a wasteland bordering the Drôme. The male on the left is aberrant, layout and shape of the points of the forewing are different than they should be in this species. These variations can be caused by genetic origins or environmental stress suffered during the development of the caterpillar or during its pupation.
Escher's Blue female gathering nectar of a Blue Aphyllanthes flower in a wasteland. Diois, France.
Escher's Blue female gathering nectar of a Blue Aphyllanthes flower in a wasteland. Diois, France.
Common blue male resting on a buttercup exposes its wings in the sun. Limousin, France.
Common blue male resting on a buttercup exposes its wings in the sun. Limousin, France.
Furtive encounter between a common red soldier beetle and a Short-tailed Blue female posed in a calcareous grassland.
Adonis Blue paire mating, female on left, male on right, upon a rock on a steep hillside.
This Adonis Blue male is not like the other members of its species. It lacks a series of dots on the forewing and hindwing.
This Adonis Blue male is not like the other members of its species. It lacks a series of dots on the forewing and hindwing.
Prelude to mating of Damon Blue butterflies. The female, left, raises the abdomen and rub her legs against their wings while the male contemplate the show, and closely follows.
Provençal Short-tailed Blue gathering nectar of fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica) near a stream.