Mélitée du plantain posé sur un talus le long d'une petite route. Aude, France...Glanville Fritillary resting on a slope along a small road. Aude, France.
Mélitée du plantain posé sur un talus le long d'une petite route. Aude, France...Glanville Fritillary resting on a slope along a small road. Aude, France.
Glanville Fritillary gathering nectar of thyme flowers at the edge of a path near the slab ammon to Digne-les-Bains.
Glanville Fritillary resting on a Wood Scabious flower in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
Glanville Fritillary resting on a buttercup flower in a wet meadow. Limousin, France.
Glanville Fritillaries mating on a blade of grass in a calcareous meadow. Limousin, France.
Glanville Fritillaries mating on a blade of grass in a calcareous meadow. Limousin, France.