Scarlet tiger moths placed by my care on a flower of coneflower in my garden. I move every morning the moths that I find on my front door to prevent my cats from playing with these vulnerable little beasts.
carlet tiger moth placed by my care on a flower of coneflower in my garden. I move every morning the moths that I find on my front door to prevent my cats from playing with these vulnerable little beasts.
A cream-spot tiger resting on my door and that I have moved away from the claws of my little predators on a persian jewel.
A cream-spot tiger resting on my door and that I have moved away from the claws of my little predators on a persian jewel.
A cream-spot tiger resting on my door and that I have moved away from the claws of my little predators on a persian jewel.
Xestia ochreago cleaning its antennas on a Great Masterwort in bloom in the valley of Eyne. Catalan Pyrenees, France.
Xestia ochreago gathering nectar of a Great Masterwort in bloom in the valley of Eyne. Catalan Pyrenees, France.
Xestia ochreago gathering nectar of a scabious flower in the valley of Eyne. Catalan Pyrenees, France.
Xestia ochreago gathering nectar of a scabious flower in the valley of Eyne. Catalan Pyrenees, France.
A caterpillar of Lackey moth eating a blade of grass near a forest. Limousin, France.
A caterpillar of Lackey moth eating a blade of grass near a forest. Limousin, France.
A caterpillar of Lackey moth eating a blade of grass near a forest. Limousin, France.
Figure of Eight (Diloba caeruleocephala) caterpillar resting on a leaf of a shrub. Limousin, France...Une chenille de Double-Omega au repos sur une feuille d'arbuste. Limousin, France.
A caterpillar of Lime Hawk-moth fell from its host tree. After a little photo shoot on a mullein leave, I gave it at the foot of lime.
Oak Eggar Caterpillar strolling through the undergrowth at the edge a logging road. Vercors, France.
Caterpillar of a mountain moth (Cucullia lucifuga) in an alpine meadow. Vercors, France.
A Yellow-tail caterpillar eating a hawthorn flower on a limestone hill. Limousin, France.
A Yellow-tail caterpillar eating a hawthorn flower on a limestone hill. Limousin, France.
The Mother Shipton Moth is a moth that has daytime activities, particularly like chalk grasslands where it is often found but also frequents wet natural meadows well exposed. As here, where he exhibited his wings in the sun, posed in vegetation which is still covered with morning dew. Limousin, France.
Mother Shipton Moth posed in vegetation which is still covered with morning dew. Limousin, France.
Mother Shipton Moth posed in vegetation which is still covered with morning dew. Limousin, France.
Mother Shipton Moth posed in vegetation which is still covered with morning dew. Limousin, France.
Mother Shipton Moth posed in vegetation which is still covered with morning dew. Limousin, France.
Orange swift female hanging in the grass of a wet meadow. It is a crepuscular and nocturnal moth, the female is larger and duller than the male and hardly fly.
Orange swift female hanging in the grass of a wet meadow. It is a crepuscular and nocturnal moth, the female is larger and duller than the male and hardly fly.
Orange swift female hanging in the grass of a wet meadow. It is a crepuscular and nocturnal moth, the female is larger and duller than the male and hardly fly.
Giant peacock moth or Giant emperor moth butterfly, Saturniidae, male. Limousin, France.
After its last metamorphosis, this Ruby Tiger finishes drying its wings before taking his first flight. Limousin, France.
After its last metamorphosis, this Ruby Tiger finishes drying its wings before taking his first flight. Limousin, France.