A beautiful hoverfly female gathering nectar of a flower of dandelion in my garden.
A male hoverfly resting on a nettle leaf in my garden. A species that is particularly welcome because adults are pollinators and larvae are aphidophagous and therefore eat aphids.
A rather rare hoverfly cleaning its legs on a tree trunk in a small valley of the Aude.
The adult is floricole, the larvae develop in the rotted wood.
A female of a Marmalade Hoverfly full of promises posed on a blade of grass in my wet meadow.
Chrysotoxum female gathering nectar of an asteraceae at the edge of a road in the Pyrenees. Pass Pailhère, Aude, France.
Volucelle transparente femelle butinant de la menthe à feuilles rondes dans une prairie humide...Pellucid Hoverfly female gathering nectar of an apple mint in a wet meadow.
Narcissus bulb fly male gathering nectar of a Wood Scabious flower in a wet meadow.
Pellucid Hoverfly female gathering nectar of a scabious flower in an alpine meadow of Vercors.
Hornet Mimic Hoverfly female gathering nectar of tuberous thistle in an alpine meadow of Vercors.
An hoverfly (Chrysotoxum bicinctum) female gathering necta of a flower in an alpine meadow of Vercors.
A rare female hoverfly (Eriozona syrphoides) foraging a Shining Scabious flower in an alpine meadow in the Vercors.
They live in spruce forests and feed in the grasslands that border them. Larvae feed on aphids.
A rare female hoverfly (Eriozona syrphoides) foraging a Shining Scabious flower in an alpine meadow in the Vercors.
They live in spruce forests and feed in the grasslands that border them. Larvae feed on aphids.
A rare female hoverfly (Eriozona syrphoides) foraging a Shining Scabious flower in an alpine meadow in the Vercors.
They live in spruce forests and feed in the grasslands that border them. Larvae feed on aphids.
A Plain Golden Hoverfly female, a rare species, gathering nectar of a scabious flower in an alpine meadow of Vercors.
A Plain Golden Hoverfly female, a rare species, gathering nectar of a scabious flower in an alpine meadow of Vercors.
A fairly rare female hoverfly gathering nectar of a giant scabious flower in a wasteland near marls. The adult is floricole, the larvae develop in the rotted wood. It serves as a taxi (phoresy) to a tiny arachnid that look like a scorpion (pseudoscorpion). He uses his pedipalpes to cling to the insects that transport him to places where he will find food. They feed on litter of small arthropods, often acarines and springtails.
A fairly rare female hoverfly gathering nectar of a giant scabious flower in a wasteland near marls. The adult is floricole, the larvae develop in the rotted wood. It serves as a taxi (phoresy) to a tiny arachnid that look like a scorpion (pseudoscorpion). He uses his pedipalpes to cling to the insects that transport him to places where he will find food. They feed on litter of small arthropods, often acarines and springtails.
A fairly rare female hoverfly gathering nectar of a giant scabious flower in a wasteland near marls. The adult is floricole, the larvae develop in the rotted wood. It serves as a taxi (phoresy) to a tiny arachnid that look like a scorpion (pseudoscorpion). He uses his pedipalpes to cling to the insects that transport him to places where he will find food. They feed on litter of small arthropods, often acarines and springtails.
A fairly rare female hoverfly gathering nectar of a giant scabious flower in a wasteland near marls. The adult is floricole, the larvae develop in the rotted wood. It serves as a taxi (phoresy) to a tiny arachnid that look like a scorpion (pseudoscorpion). He uses his pedipalpes to cling to the insects that transport him to places where he will find food. They feed on litter of small arthropods, often acarines and springtails.
A fairly rare female hoverfly gathering nectar of a giant scabious flower in a wasteland near marls. The adult is floricole, the larvae develop in the rotted wood. It serves as a taxi (phoresy) to a tiny arachnid that look like a scorpion (pseudoscorpion). He uses his pedipalpes to cling to the insects that transport him to places where he will find food. They feed on litter of small arthropods, often acarines and springtails.